
The weather, a big influence in the way we live, from our sleeping habits, to eating habits, to shopping habits. Should I buy that coat? “Will I really use it, summer is just around the corner”. Such thoughts may occupy our mind, whilst trying to perform what should be the simplest of tasks… spending money. A cold harsh, British day/night can inspire the laziness within each of us, with the large majority opting to stay inside, a nice takeaway and TV awaits. This rather than endure the cold… can you blame them? The weather has the ability to mold certain cultures, the Mediterranean way of life, a midday heat induced siesta, and making up for these lost hours through increased activity in what the British would call sleepy time. Most of us complain about the weather wherever we may be in the world, from the Spanish complaining about the heat, to the British moaning of the cold, unpredictability and rain. One cultural habit we all share… we all moan about ‘the bloody weather’.


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